Friday 25 November 2011

The Potential Threats Of ICT

Cyber Bullying.
Cyber bullying is when people are sent abusive language or threats over the internat, by text, or by email.  Cyber bullying has become one of the major problems in the Internet world as it is hard to tackle and usually unknown by anyone except the person doing it and the victim. Cyber bullying is a form of bullying through the use of the internet; it can go from name calling to threats. Cyber bullying is a threat to anyone that uses ICT to communicate but it is more common for younger people to get cyber bullied bacuse they use social networks and messaging sites more.
Spam is unwanted mail that people get sent. If you get sent spam on your comupter, your data and files could be wiped of your computer. Spam can also give your computer a virus, which could make your computer work slowly. It is dangerous is spam is sent because it is usually hard to notice if an email is spam or not. Spam is a big threat to anyone that works from home on the computer because if their work gets wiped, they would have to do all the work again. If your computer has a firewall, spam would not be able to be sent.
Phishing is where spam is used to access your financial accounts. Phishing is almost like tricking the person on the computer into giving their details away. An email would be sent saying acounts need updating and ask for an account name and password, once people type their details in, then the person that sent the email is able to access the account. Phishing is a threat to anyone that uses online banking, shopping or anything where they are putting bank details onto the internet.
Denial of service attacks.
Denial of service attacks is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Denial of service attacks is a big threat to large buisnesses because if people are not able to get on the computer with all the files on, the buisness would not be able to work properly. Denial of service attacks can be sent by spam,which is abother threat because you may not know it is spam when you open the email. Denial of service attacks is a big threat to large buisnesses because if people are not able to get on the computer with all the files on, the buisness would not be able to work properly.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

How has ICT changed the way we work?

People can work from home if they need to, they might have a physical illness. People can use mobile phones to organise meetings for their work, instead of going to people and organising the meetings in person.

Employment structure has changed a lot because there are a lot more different primary jobs because new elements have been discovered and that also effects secondary jobs because their making new things. Tertiary has also changed because there are new services that people need now that didn’t exist like someone who works in a mobile phone shop or repairs things like computers.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Unequal acess of ICT

Some people may not have a computer or phone in different countries so they are not able to communicate with other people which can be an unfair disadvantage.

People in this country may be affected by not having access to a computer or phone. They may be affected by this as they may need to find out certain information and not be able to access a website quickly
Some people in some countries are not able to get web access from medical conditions and disabilities (blind or colour blind) this is why lots of people lose touch in the world.

Some people either in this country  or other countries are affected by  unequal access because they may have old technologies which may not connect to the internet  this is the same with phones as in some rural places there is a limited access.

How does ICT affect how we socialise?

Possotive affects
ICT affects how we socialise by, allowing us to communicate simply to each other. A decade ago people didn’t have the technology to talk to each other like we do now e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc. Nowadays, people find out information via the internet but before, news was spread by word of mouth.

Negitive affects
 Even though using the internet is much quicker and simpler means more time on phones especially with the new smart phones e.g. iPhone 4,Blackberry Curve etc decreasing face to face interaction. Sometimes socialising over the internet can be dangerous due to fake identities. Starting to socialise on the internet at a young age means decreased knowledge on face to face socialising and can affect your behaviour with a big impact.
How we use ICT for entertainment.We use ICT to entertain us by playing games on the internet, listening to music and watching videos.

Some games that you play allow you to play the game with someone in another part of the world.
The bad thing about playing games using ICT is, some gaming websites could give your computer a virus. Another bad point about playing games using ICT is that it could get addictive and make people don’t very active.

YouTube is a good way to watch videos online. You can watch programmes on catch up websites.

The good thing about watching programmes online is that there is a lot of choice. You can choose from a lot of websites to watch programmes on.
The bad thing about watching programmes and videos online is that the quality could be bad and the video could be slow.

Law In ICT

I.C.T. has changed the world tremendously and the law was not left behind where I.C.T was concerned. Many laws have been implemented to ensure that when using technology its safe , reliable and friendly. Many laws such as cyber law , copyright , unauthorized access , data privacy and spamming were put into place to ensure security in the mystic cal cyber world we call the internet!
Many people in modern day society have been fined hundreds of thousands of pounds for what is known as file sharing. This is when individuals make songs accessible to download for everybody ,free which is against the rights of the artist who owns the rights to the song and its revenue. File sharers have many arguments to justify what they do , they may say that  if people download tracks then they probably wouldn’t have bought them in the first place.  So according to their argument, the record companies aren’t losing any money.
Many people have suffered from a invasion of there privacy online as it is much easier for individuals to target people online and collect private information than it is in real life! You may assume that the same laws that protect your privacy in the physical world apply to the digital world as well.  But the Internet remains largely unregulated and the policies governing it are underdeveloped.  Laws concerning online privacy are still being developed. Social networks are sites that allow there users to build social relations and although are extremely popular and in most cases good and helpful they can be an easy way for somebody to invade another’s privacy and access personal details !
How can people use the internet to help or hinder crime around the world?
People all around the world use the internet to create major heists or become an online vigilante, its not all about robbing banking sites, its also about fraud, sites like pirate bay (a search engine full of  pirated merchandise hence the name pirate bay) was taken to court in over 35 countries, this site is still legal in the uk as the maker was taken  to court and somehow made the site legal in the uk.