Friday 25 November 2011

The Potential Threats Of ICT

Cyber Bullying.
Cyber bullying is when people are sent abusive language or threats over the internat, by text, or by email.  Cyber bullying has become one of the major problems in the Internet world as it is hard to tackle and usually unknown by anyone except the person doing it and the victim. Cyber bullying is a form of bullying through the use of the internet; it can go from name calling to threats. Cyber bullying is a threat to anyone that uses ICT to communicate but it is more common for younger people to get cyber bullied bacuse they use social networks and messaging sites more.
Spam is unwanted mail that people get sent. If you get sent spam on your comupter, your data and files could be wiped of your computer. Spam can also give your computer a virus, which could make your computer work slowly. It is dangerous is spam is sent because it is usually hard to notice if an email is spam or not. Spam is a big threat to anyone that works from home on the computer because if their work gets wiped, they would have to do all the work again. If your computer has a firewall, spam would not be able to be sent.
Phishing is where spam is used to access your financial accounts. Phishing is almost like tricking the person on the computer into giving their details away. An email would be sent saying acounts need updating and ask for an account name and password, once people type their details in, then the person that sent the email is able to access the account. Phishing is a threat to anyone that uses online banking, shopping or anything where they are putting bank details onto the internet.
Denial of service attacks.
Denial of service attacks is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Denial of service attacks is a big threat to large buisnesses because if people are not able to get on the computer with all the files on, the buisness would not be able to work properly. Denial of service attacks can be sent by spam,which is abother threat because you may not know it is spam when you open the email. Denial of service attacks is a big threat to large buisnesses because if people are not able to get on the computer with all the files on, the buisness would not be able to work properly.

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