Tuesday 15 November 2011

Law In ICT

I.C.T. has changed the world tremendously and the law was not left behind where I.C.T was concerned. Many laws have been implemented to ensure that when using technology its safe , reliable and friendly. Many laws such as cyber law , copyright , unauthorized access , data privacy and spamming were put into place to ensure security in the mystic cal cyber world we call the internet!
Many people in modern day society have been fined hundreds of thousands of pounds for what is known as file sharing. This is when individuals make songs accessible to download for everybody ,free which is against the rights of the artist who owns the rights to the song and its revenue. File sharers have many arguments to justify what they do , they may say that  if people download tracks then they probably wouldn’t have bought them in the first place.  So according to their argument, the record companies aren’t losing any money.
Many people have suffered from a invasion of there privacy online as it is much easier for individuals to target people online and collect private information than it is in real life! You may assume that the same laws that protect your privacy in the physical world apply to the digital world as well.  But the Internet remains largely unregulated and the policies governing it are underdeveloped.  Laws concerning online privacy are still being developed. Social networks are sites that allow there users to build social relations and although are extremely popular and in most cases good and helpful they can be an easy way for somebody to invade another’s privacy and access personal details !
How can people use the internet to help or hinder crime around the world?
People all around the world use the internet to create major heists or become an online vigilante, its not all about robbing banking sites, its also about fraud, sites like pirate bay (a search engine full of  pirated merchandise hence the name pirate bay) was taken to court in over 35 countries, this site is still legal in the uk as the maker was taken  to court and somehow made the site legal in the uk.

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