Tuesday 15 November 2011

How does ICT affect how we socialise?

Possotive affects
ICT affects how we socialise by, allowing us to communicate simply to each other. A decade ago people didn’t have the technology to talk to each other like we do now e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc. Nowadays, people find out information via the internet but before, news was spread by word of mouth.

Negitive affects
 Even though using the internet is much quicker and simpler means more time on phones especially with the new smart phones e.g. iPhone 4,Blackberry Curve etc decreasing face to face interaction. Sometimes socialising over the internet can be dangerous due to fake identities. Starting to socialise on the internet at a young age means decreased knowledge on face to face socialising and can affect your behaviour with a big impact.
How we use ICT for entertainment.We use ICT to entertain us by playing games on the internet, listening to music and watching videos.

Some games that you play allow you to play the game with someone in another part of the world.
The bad thing about playing games using ICT is, some gaming websites could give your computer a virus. Another bad point about playing games using ICT is that it could get addictive and make people don’t very active.

YouTube is a good way to watch videos online. You can watch programmes on catch up websites.

The good thing about watching programmes online is that there is a lot of choice. You can choose from a lot of websites to watch programmes on.
The bad thing about watching programmes and videos online is that the quality could be bad and the video could be slow.

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